Welcome to the FABES Forschungs-GmbH
for Analysis and Evaluation of Mass Transfers.

We are plea­sed that you would like to find out more about us. Gain an initi­al over­view and get to know us and our enti­re ran­ge of ser­vices in the field of mass trans­fer – migra­ti­on and permeation.

FABES is main­ly focu­sed on appli­ed rese­arch on “Qua­li­ty Assu­rance of Con­su­mer Pro­ducts” and spe­ci­fic advice to the indus­try invol­ved in it. To assu­re the qua­li­ty of our work, FABES is accre­di­ted accor­ding to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by the Ger­man Accre­di­ta­ti­on Body DAkkS. The accre­di­ta­ti­on appli­es for the test methods enlis­ted in the cer­ti­fi­ca­te annex D‑PL-14122–01-00. This means that FABES has a qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem that is con­stant­ly being fur­ther deve­lo­ped and is che­cked at regu­lar inter­vals by inter­nal mea­su­res and extern­al­ly by the DAkkS.

For an over­view of our rese­arch, ana­ly­sis, model­ling and trai­ning ser­vices, plea­se see Docu­ment and the topics below.


  • In the ran­ge from con­su­mer expo­sure to the phy­si­cal and che­mi­cal inter­ac­tions bet­ween cont­act mate­ri­als and their cont­act media.
  • Rese­arch pro­jects with FoGe and with insti­tu­tes, asso­cia­ti­ons, net­works and industry.


  • Migra­ti­on tests
  • Extra­c­tion tests
  • Spe­ci­fic determinations
  • Non tar­get (NIAS) Screenings:
    „10 ppb“-Screening
    „HM“-Screening for matrix rich samples
  • Mea­su­re­ment of hydrolysis
  • GC/MS-EI and ‑CI
  • GC/FID
  • UV/VIS and gravimetry
  • Arti­fi­ci­al skin sys­tem „PAMPA“
  • Exter­nal lab part­ners (ICP/MS etc.)


  • Pack­a­ging mate­ri­als (food/ pharmaceuticals/ cos­me­tics), con­su­mer goods and mate­ri­als in cont­act with drin­king water
  • Pack­a­ging mate­ri­als made of recy­cling materials
  • Check of documents
  • Com­pli­ance check
  • Com­pi­la­ti­on of eva­lua­tions (dos­siers) for BfR, EFSA, EDI, FDA etc.


  • Migra­ti­on software
  • Migra­ti­on model­ling of „sin­gle-use“- and „repeated-use“-scenarios
  • Various cont­act matri­ces and cont­act media (also environment)
  • MIGRATEST© EXP – sales and mar­ke­ting, work­shop und application
  • MIGRAPIPE© – KTW-guideline


  • Migra­ti­on cell
  • Migra­ti­on or extra­c­tion experiments
  • Dry and liquid simulants
  • Sales and marketing