
  • FABES For­schungs-GmbH

    for ana­ly­tics and evaluation
    of mass transfers

    Schra­gen­hof­str. 35
    D‑80992 Munich

  • +49 (0) 89 149009–50
  • +49 (0) 89 149009–80



With the MIGRAPIPE© soft­ware deve­lo­ped by FABES it is pos­si­ble to calculate

  • the migra­ti­on of sub­s­tances from cylind­ri­cal specimens,
  • the cold, warm and hot water migra­ti­on tests for drin­king water pipes requi­red by the Ger­man Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy (UBA) (KTW test gui­de­line of 2008 “Gui­de­line for the hygie­nic assess­ment of orga­nic mate­ri­als in cont­act with drin­king water”), which pro­vi­de for repea­ted migra­ti­on cycles.

Wichtige Informationen

We offer you the ser­vice of car­ry­ing out the cal­cu­la­ti­on for you within the frame­work of a KTW appr­oval, among other things. You will then recei­ve a detail­ed report.

Cont­act us and bene­fit from the in-depth know­ledge of the FABES team and our com­pre­hen­si­ve data­ba­ses. You will recei­ve a cor­re­spon­ding offer with a request for the infor­ma­ti­on neces­sa­ry for the estimation.

Important information

You would like to have a cal­cu­la­ti­on car­ri­ed out? Then plea­se fill out the form com­ple­te­ly and send it to us. We will then cont­act you as soon as possible.