
  • FABES For­schungs-GmbH

    for ana­ly­tics and evaluation
    of mass transfers

    Schra­gen­hof­str. 35
    D‑80992 Munich

  • +49 (0) 89 149009–50
  • +49 (0) 89 149009–80


For con­su­mer goods, such as food pack­a­ging, manu­fac­tu­r­ers are requi­red by law to demons­tra­te the com­pli­ance of their pro­ducts with the Euro­pean Frame­work Regu­la­ti­on (EC) No 1935/2004 or spe­ci­fic direc­ti­ves, regu­la­ti­ons or recom­men­da­ti­ons. For the migra­ti­on tests requi­red for this pur­po­se to check SML, OML or OMA limit values, the migra­ti­on cell

MigraCell® was deve­lo­ped in the cour­se of many years of expe­ri­ence with migra­ti­on test pro­ce­du­res in coope­ra­ti­on with the com­pa­ny GAß­NER Glas­tech­nik GmbH. MigraCell® is sui­ta­ble for the accu­ra­te and repro­du­ci­b­le per­for­mance of the pre­scri­bed tests and has pro­ven its­elf for the expe­ri­men­tal detec­tion of mass trans­fers from con­su­mer artic­les to dry and liquid food simu­lants or other extra­c­tion media. With MigraCell®, both one-sided cont­act and sub­mer­ged appli­ca­ti­on are feasible.

Have we arou­sed your inte­rest in MigraCell®, which is alre­a­dy in use world­wi­de? You will find com­pre­hen­si­ve infor­ma­ti­on, appli­ca­ti­on ins­truc­tions, the cur­rent pri­ce list and an order form in our MigraCell® bro­chu­re.


Plea­se fill out the form completely.