Migratest© DDX
The uptake of a substance, e.g. solvent or food simulant, by a plastic can demonstrably influence the properties of this substance. Under such circumstances, the substance transfer from the plastic is normally also strongly influenced and usually leads to increased migration. In order to carry out correct migration estimations also in these situations, the software MIGRATEST© DDX was developed at FABES. This program calculates the migration from the plastic, taking into account a time-dependent uptake of a substance from the plastic. This allows, for example, more realistic calculations of migration into solvents or food simulants that interact strongly with a plastic (e.g. isooctane with polyethylene).
Important information
We offer you the service of carrying out the calculation for you. You will then receive a detailed report.
Contact us and benefit from the in-depth knowledge of the FABES team and our comprehensive databases. You will receive a corresponding offer with a request for the information necessary for the estimation.
You would like to have a calculation carried out? Then please fill out the form completely and send it to us. We will then contact you as soon as possible.