We mourn the loss of our senior boss and a colleague

Dr. Otto-Götz Piringer  – Diploma Chemist 

* 10.02.1934 – † 20.11.2022

Rese­arch and sci­ence were his gui­ding prin­ci­ples when he foun­ded FABES For­schungs-GmbH with 3 part­ners in 1997. Through his com­pre­hen­si­ve exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence, the insti­tu­te has been able to firm­ly estab­lish its­elf in the mar­ket in the field of mass trans­fer ana­ly­sis and eva­lua­ti­on. He was an employ­er who cared about the well-being of his employees; an entre­pre­neur with gre­at ener­gy, incre­di­ble exper­ti­se and an inqui­ring mind. Until the end, he put all his strength and pro­fes­sio­nal skills at the dis­po­sal of the com­pa­ny and was actively invol­ved. His per­so­na­li­ty as well as his high repu­ta­ti­on in the field will be a chall­enge and incen­ti­ve for us to con­ti­nue the com­pa­ny in his spi­rit. He will live on in what he has built and we are very gra­teful to be a part of his life’s work.

He will be great­ly missed.

Dr. Peter Mercea – Diploma Physicist

On 25.03.2023, our long-time employee Peter Mer­cea pas­sed away com­ple­te­ly unex­pec­ted­ly. He work­ed as a phy­si­cist in our com­pa­ny, whe­re he main­ly dealt with the mathe­ma­ti­cal cal­cu­la­ti­on of mass trans­fers and imple­men­ted, con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lo­ped and opti­mi­sed our MIGRATEST soft­ware. With his work, he has actively shaped our company’s repu­ta­ti­on regar­ding mathe­ma­ti­cal migra­ti­on esti­ma­ti­on. With him, we are not only losing an extre­me­ly crea­ti­ve sci­en­tist and expert in the field of migra­ti­on model­ling, but also a uni­ver­sal­ly app­re­cia­ted col­le­ague who will be great­ly missed by us all. Our sym­pa­thy goes to his fami­ly. In gre­at con­s­ter­na­ti­on and deep mour­ning, we say farewell.

He will remain unf­or­got­ten by us all!